From Classroom to Catwalk: Wish Wish Wish’s Carrie Harwood
If you can’t get enough whimsical U.K. fashion or you’re just wander-lusting after London, Carrie Harwood‘s blog WishWishWish is sure to be love at first click.The 23-year-old Londoner posts more than just outfit pictures—she uploads photos from weekend trips, spills deets about her awesome gig as the Marketplace Community Coordinator at ASOS, and shares beauty tips and tricks, too! Once you start reading, I guarantee you’ll add Carrie to your Bloglovin’—stat.
Here, Carrie shares what it’s like to study fashion in London, her tricks for staying stylish on a college budget, and how she manages a full time job and a mega-successful blog!
The Interview:
College Fashion: Tell us a little bit about yourself.Carrie Harwood: I grew up in Somerset, where I started my blog over 5 years ago, and have since moved to London, got my degree, and started a job at the brill! It’s all a bit hectic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
CF: How would you define your style?
CH: My style is pretty eclectic. I like quirky pieces, and try to steer towards towards young, independent designers—but also can’t resist the odd high street purchase! I love feminine looks and pastels, but perhaps more increasingly I’m opting for classic pieces and lots of black…perhaps I’m just growing up a little, style-wise.
CF: How did you find your style?
CH: Living in the middle of nowhere made things more difficult—it’s hard to express yourself when people give you funny looks for wearing the latest trends! But listening to rock music as a teenager helped—I’d dress up in outfits inspired by my favorite bands, and that alternative image gave me the confidence to experiment later on!
CF: What inspired you to start a style blog? What motivates you?
CH: I was 17 when I started my blog. It was just an outlet for my thoughts and a place to put my pictures. Since then, the world of blogging has grown massively, and I don’t know where I’d be without my little corner of the Internet. It’s gone from being my hobby, to something I pour every ounce of energy into.
CF: Did you go to college? If so, what did you study? What was your college experience like?
CH: I studied Fashion Styling and Communication in London, as I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, and this course sounded like it encompassed a few of my favorite things. Looking back, I wouldn’t have studied for a degree in this subject because, as with many creative courses, you learn and develop more on your own than in a classroom accruing debt!
Still, it couldn’t have been more crucial in pushing me to get out of the countryside and off into the big city! I finished my course last year, and managed to secure a job within a month of graduating.
CF: Where do you like to shop?
CH: Whilst I love hunting down designers, I can’t help but love ASOS. I know I’m a little biased, but it’s my go-to-for anything fashion!
CF: What advice do you have for being stylish on a college budget?
CH: Whilst at university I used to spend a lot of time hunting down on-trend pieces in charity shops. It’s amazing what you can find when you look hard enough! For any students with an eye for designer, check out Vesitiare Collective, a site dedicated to re-selling designer pieces.
CF: What are you favorite pieces in your wardrobe?
CH: I have a dress with a ruffled collar and cuffs from a designer called Vivetta, and it’s my go-to for any occasion!
CF: Who or what inspires you?
CH: Other bloggers, usually. I spend any spare time scrolling through Bloglovin’! It’s amazing how many like-minded girls there are out there.
CF: What advice do you have for new bloggers or college students starting a blog?
CH: Be prepared to put in some hours! And don’t expect success overnight. Do it for the love of it, and not because you’re hoping for freebies. It’s tough to maintain a blog, but very, very rewarding!
CF: What’s writing a blog really like? Could you describe a typical day?
CH: I work full-time alongside writing my blog, which makes things 10 times more difficult! Usually I catch up with my emails during lunch, write posts on the bus journey home, and edit pictures when I get back. It’s a lot of work, but 100% worth it.
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