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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hautelinks: Week of 8/22/13

Hautelinks: Week of 8/22/13

* This documentary about texting and driving by Werner Herzog is SO important and should be required viewing for everyone operating a vehicle. Please take the time to watch it and share it with friends.

* The fashion geniuses at WhoWhatWear have the ultimate laundry guide to keep your clothes looking fab.

* PopSugar shows you how to make your own matte nail polish.

* 5 Body Language Poses That Can Sabotage Success, from Open Forum. Really helpful and good to know!

* Bored with drinking plain water all day? Shake things up with these infused water ideas from Lauren Conrad.

* CF reader Valerie sent this in and it’s too cute: Fashion Tips from Nature

* The Ultimate Mean Girls Alphabet, from Buzzfeed. What’s the cool jams?

* How cute: This DIY alphabet bracelet is a luxe take on a childhood classic.

* Airbnb users, listen up: This story of a woman who was drugged during her stay should be a warning to always read all of the reviews and do thorough research before deciding on a place to stay. So scary!

* What if Disney Princesses Shared Photos on Instagram? Love this.

* Love this even more: A Disney Princess sings about equal pay for women. (!!!)

* Design*Sponge did a great piece on DIY projects for decorating your dorm this semester.

* Mr. Kate also did a fab DIY dorm room makeover that will get you super inspired.

* 35 Clever Food Hacks That Will Change Your Life. Woah!

* Writer/Producer Lena Waithe Talks New Series ‘Twenties’. I have to say, I’m really excited for this show! Check out the trailer and I bet you will be too.

* So cool: Diesel decided to cast their latest ad campaign via Tumblr!

* If you’re obsessive about your skincare regime, The Beauty Department has an in-depth guide to the right ways to apply day and eye cream.

* Would you try… a ramen burger? (My boyfriend would be all over this.)

* The Ultimate Guide to Mixing Prints, from Shine. Great tips!

* Haha, this “interactive” .gif amused us a little more than it should have.

* Refinery 29 has a great list of style ruts to break out of. Are you guilty of any of these?

* And if you enjoy bad puns and Winnie the Pooh, this little comic will make you very happy.

* 10 Things They Don’t Teach You in School, from Lauren Conrad. <3 these.

* And since many of you are meeting new roommates right now (or will in a few weeks), LC also has some tips on how to maintain the peace with roommates. (Okay, Heidi jokes aside…)

* This made me tear up a little: The Day I Stopped Saying “Hurry Up”, from HuffPo

* Hahah, hilarious: Hot Legs or Hot Dogs?, from Buzzfeed. It really is hard to tell..

* And, of course, there is now a “hot dog legs” Tumblr.

* In “life’s officially not fair” news, Cara Delevigne is not only gorgeous, but she’s mega-talented to boot.

* From Classroom to Catwalk Update: Our recent interviewee Leah Chernikoff was just named editor of ELLE.com. Congrats, Leah!

* This adorable DIY tutorial shows you how to get the Brandy Melville Moon Phase crop top on the cheap.

* How to Become a Morning Person – great for back to school!

* And for those of you in HS, Michelle Phan has a guide to posing for school photos – great for senior pics!

* It’s impossible NOT to be inspired by Ashton Kutcher’s TCA speech.

* The Dark Side of Modeling: What I Learned as a Plus Size Model, from Huffpo. Very eye-opening.

* Refinery 29 shares the 5 smartest ways to save money, with some great tips from fashion insiders.

* And finally, this guy is SO ready for fashion week.

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